Painting: Trying something new?

One of the goals of the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Group is to get “back into life” by participating in activities that one had done prior to acquiring aphasia.  Another important goal in recovery is trying new activities; even ones that you’ve never done before in your life!

Today many of our group members did just that!  We all worked very hard on our paintings with a bit of guidance from a staff member.  Creativity was flowing as you can see in the pictures posted below!  Art is a great way to express oneself and I think we’ll do more of this in the future!


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November 6, 2015

Today we began our new adventure in postcard writing!  We joined an online group of individuals that send and receive postcards to/from random people around the world!

Letter writing is becoming a lost art, but it is such a nice personal greeting to get in your mailbox!

Why do this in our aphasia group??  

1.  This project will help us practice our functional reading and writing skills.

2.  It is fun to receive mail from different countries!

3.  We are also hoping that people will become educated about aphasia in the process of reading about our group.

Below are a few pictures from our first postcard writing session!




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Post-Stroke and Aphasia Friendly Workout/Stretches

John Reuter, a Kinesiology Major at UWEC, was gracious enough to present some great information today about specific exercises for people who have one sided weakness (as well as for those of us who need to exercise in general).  He was able to demonstrate the exercises and define which muscles were being used.

Click on the link below to see his handout on how to complete each exercise.


Post-Stroke and Aphasia Friendly Workout-Stretches


Everyone left with some new knowledge and “homework” to try out.

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Strike Out Stroke

On May 29, 2015 the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Group presented a poster board at the Eau Claire Express Baseball Game.  Our goal is to make people aware of “aphasia” and what it means.  The photo below shows some of our group members at the event.


Before the game, we had our Spring Picnic and presented Tom Hintgen MA CCC/SLP, former director and founder of the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Group, with a scrapbook for all of his hard work and countless hours of volunteer time.  Our members and staff each made a personal page that expressed their gratitude towards Tom.

L-R: Tom Sather, Tom Hintgen, Susan Hintgen

L-R: Tom Sather, Tom Hintgen, Susan Hintgen

All pictures in this blog post are taken by Rachel Lacey Nollfrom, posted with permission from Eau Claire Express.

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A Painting Partnership

April 22, 2015

Members of the Chippewa Valley Aphasia Group and the UW-Eau Claire BluGold Aphasia Group came together for a Painting Party!  Fun, food, and friends!  We all painted a flower design on a large canvas.  A special “thank you” to Cyndi from the Paint Shack for teaching us the painting techniques!


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Stroke Warning Signs

The American Heart Association has developed this quick video clip to help spread awareness of the signs/symptoms of stroke!

Click below to see the video!

Stroke Warning Signs/Symptoms (American Heart Association)


F: Face Drooping

A:  Arm Weakness

S: Speech Difficulty

T: Time to Call 9-1-1

What do you think about this clip?  We watched it in our group session last week and people were impressed! It gave a lot of important information in a short time.  Others felt that it could have included other types of brain injuries besides stroke.


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Benefits of Video Self-Monitoring



What did we learn as a group from these practice sessions?

  • Some people (maybe most) do not like to be video recorded.

  • People will still be video recorded if it will help them improve their communication skills!

  • Everyone’s goal about communication is different.

  1.  A goal may be to speak with 100% accuracy.  This goal may be a good one, but it may be so difficult to reach that a person ends up giving up and not saying anything at all.

  2. Another goal may be to speak with 75% accuracy but still be able to get your ideas communicated (by using compensatory strategies like gestures and writing etc.).

  • You don’t have to “talk” to get your point across.  Other helpful ways to communicate include: gestures, facial expressions, and writing.

  • Things we learned to do to keep a conversation going: clarify that you understand what is being said, ask pertinent questions, add your own knowledge of the topic, and don’t give up!

Overall, video self-monitoring has helped our members to think about what strategies to use when having a conversation with others.  They are able to watch themselves in conversation, pick out strengths and weaknesses, make a plan, then complete the task again with more success!!!


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Video Self-Modeling

Video Self-Modeling

What is it?  

We video record ourselves doing a task.  Then we review the video and identify our strengths and weaknesses.


After watching yourself in action, you can find out what you did well and what you need to improve on.  This helps you learn how to do the task better!

Does this help with speaking? 

Yes!  It can help you learn what strategies will help to make “talking” easier.  It can also show you what “isn’t” working.

Two of our members completing a task while being video recorded.

Two of our members completing a task while being video recorded.

Two of our members completing a task while being video recorded.


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Aphasia Group Picnic

A great time was had by all at the CVAG summer picnic…

Great food and great company (...and great tanlines)

Great food and great company (…and great tanlines)

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Self-directed Practice

2-2014      Self-directed Practice


During the past month the CVAG has been practicing a language action game that is similar to “Go Fish”. Our volunteers took photos of objects, local places, and familiar faces. They used these materials to build a card game that group members use to practice requesting and commenting.  The rules of the game are basic, but the players are ‘constrained’ to use certain phrases repetitively.  Group members strive to use this limited set of words and phrases as accurately as possible.



Our CVAG staff provide encouragement and meaningful support during these games. Because group members are ‘learning about practice’ we include everyone and encourage all to reflect on how the activity works.   Our group members indicate that “working for perfection” in this kind of practice does offer some satisfaction. It feels “good” to be more fluent.  But the supportive environment also “feels good”. 



Our group is beginning to use this kind of practice across distances on the iPad.  CVAG volunteers have supplied packets of practice materials.  Several members are playing this game with each other over Face Time.  Family members are also participating in this language action game.


We also have discussed how much practice would be needed to achieve changes in naming and perhaps fluency in daily communication. CVAG staff have described research that shows benefits of intense (3 hour) frequent (5 day per week) language action practice.


CVAG staff have challenged our group members to consider how they might engage in more structured practice.  Members will consider ways to engage in social communication with partners who specifically support effective communication exchange.  An important feature of this year’s exploration of practice will include action plan development for ongoing self-directed practice.



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